Instead of tossing out your unsold baked goods, sell them through the app, and gain visibility
Sell your surplus fruits & vegetables while cleaning the shelves! Loss turns into income and customers become regular visitors at your store
Ending up with leftover food after the morning or evening buffet is very common; Now you can monetize that
A practical and easy way to combat food wastage that is easily managed as part of the nightly routine
At the beginning of each day, publish how many surplus food bags you expect to end up with
Stay updated on the number of reservations and customer details through our vendor portal
You can also modify the number of GoodieBags offered throughout the day
At the end of the shift/day or next day
Arrange surplus items into Goodiebags
Hand over to customers who arrive during the collection time-slot
Receive payment from customer
Improve your operational KPIs by reducing the amount of food that goes to waste everyday, push low selling items
Shops generate on average 700USD of additional monthly revenue
Gain exposure to first-time tasters who would become long-term customers, and test new menu items
Show your commitment to making the planet greener by fighting food-waste, in line with the UAE Ministry of Climate Change and Environment 2030 ambitions
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